
NPP Modules

Every network has different requirements which have to be considered by the appropriate network planning tool. Due to the fact that it is not possible to use only one planning tool for all networks the network specific tools should be realized by different software modules which all run on a common platform. My responsibilities included the development of the following tools:

Network Traffic Planning

As a first step of the planning process, Traffic Planning is carried-out. The traffic from large customers, with direct network access, is considered with the same priority as indirect traffic from customers who use as a Long-Distance Carrier. These indirect customers, who receive Network Access via a POI (Point of Interconnection), are particularly important to consider for the planning of catchment areas and the corresponding traffic distribution. My responsibilities in this area included:

  • Worked closely with marketing and product development departments to produce forecast data.
  • Evaluated BHDR (Busy Hour to Daily Ratio) as further information for network dimensioning.
  • Calculated the necessary capacity of the end of the planning period (3 to 12 months) after analysing forecast predicted by department of product development.
Planning of POIs (Point Of Interconnections)

Voice network is planned based on defined traffic sources and destinations. Thus, catchment areas of POI corresponding to the expected traffic sources and destinations are defined. Actual measurements are considered to adapt the distributions given in forecast to the real traffic situation in voice network. It has been agreed with the service divisions, that the preferred customers are those within a local radius of a POI, so that break-out costs are minimized (customer targeting). The catchment areas for indirect traffic are almost local calling areas in which POIs are located and adjacent local calling areas in the area "Regio 50" as defined by DTAG. My responsibilities included:

  • Defined POI roll-out for the next planning period.
  • Determined catchment areas of POIs.
  • Calculated the distribution of direct/indirect traffic based on the number of DTAG telephone lines within the respective catchment area, and the number of customers within the respective locations.
  • Dimensioned the necessary capacity of POIs for the end of the planning period.
  • Collected planning data as needed by DTAG for provisioning purposes.
Network Topology Design

As a next step, the logical topology of the Voice Network was derived as part of the Network Design process. Network Topology comprises the determination of locations, the number of locations and the structure (meshing) of the connecting links. The following input is necessary to determine the network topology: traffic data, available locations, available connections, locations of the international gateways, locations of the POIs, locations of the POPs, Busy Hour Call Attempt (BHCA) capability of SWITCH. Then, after defining the routing, the network was dimensioned. My responsibilities included:

  • Determined capacity requirements / traffic matrix for the whole network.
  • Determined the number of switch nodes and the locations.
  • Determined the link meshing and the routing schemes: SWITCH to SWITCH, SWITCH to POI, SWITCH to International Switch Locations.
  • Dimensioned links and switch capacities needed satisfying the traffic requirements and the Grade of Service (GOS).
  • Determined the number of ETC-Ports (trunk termination).
  • Determined the number of PRA-Ports (connection to direct customers).
Network Traffic Analysis

The Performance Management System collects network operation data from a variety of sources to provide management with information on the health and usage of the network. This information is used by different organizations including Voice Network Planning and Marketing. The Performance Management System obtains data directly from the Network Element Managers (NEM) such as total traffic processed by each switch (AXE) and carried by each transmission link (bundle). My responsibilities included:

  • Monitored/analyzed distribution of incoming traffic (direct/indirect).
  • Monitored/analyzed distribution of outgoing traffic (national, international, mobile and IN).
  • Monitored/analyzed daily traffic profiles.
  • Monitored/analyzed trunk utilization, switch processor load.
  • Calculated traffic matrix.
Network Planning Database

The planning data e.g. traffic forecast, dimensioning parameters, network topology, node/link capacities are kept in database server. Oracle was selected as rational database management system. It can be accessed via ODBC using Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Access. My responsibilities included:

  • Installed Oracle Server on Sun Solaris.
  • Designed schema for network planning database.
  • Managed and monitored the database as well as optimized the performance.